Giuelith Timantti Ltd. Metal Trading Company - General Contracting
I have several serious buyers for iron ore both high grade and low grade magnetite and hematite in the current requests that have come in during the month of March 2014. These are mainly long-term contractural inquiries and nothing about spot trade of low-grade hematite iron ore to smelters in Europe. In our campaign we asked for their demand and so we have said that we can provide a low cost iron ore supply as an alternative to suppliers and iron ore producers with very high total costs for iron ore. We have chosen to provide cost-effective production capacities and contract processes for all main steel producing countries in Europe, Asia, Middle East, India, Australia and North America. We have also managed to establish some really good cooperation with the necessary characteristics for the contracting of iron ore annually. These features of the new and exciting organizational body with expertise in the trading with bulk raw materials such as iron ore, so we apply today an outrageously effective interactive knit functionality in this structure and would love to see that more businessmen are realizing the benefits and apply this with us. We have conducted a series of incredibly cost-effective trade using our database and our involvement in the implementation of contracts. We have seen the opportunity in that using a fast and smooth international identification of inquiry and demand as well as comfort of the organizations and individuals in contract negotiation to implement transparent contracts. We perform a check of the SCO from the information that we get sent to us via email or by call. In most cases, there is all the necessary information, and we can start a contract work. It has been so that we have in some cases applied from our budget US $25,000 in representation for one single customer only. I mention this for all of you who are new to the area or which for us is a new business partner. By the way, our business is mainly about existing forms of collaboration that has been built up with a lot of confidence for many years. Example, we have among our customers the largest public companies in most countries of the world participating in memorandums although many of the representatives individually comes from a rejuvenated generation. We are working for example with almost all nations represented in our database along with excecutive from the Chamber of Commerce for contracts within national guidelines and interests. In the public sector, we have very good relations for trade chains and we are also updating these accomplishments in the private sector and the financial sector in some cases. We are well known among the executive industrialist and If you presume change within your production whether it is about iron ore production or steel production so please let us know about your perspective to whatever action, interaction and long-term cooperation. The world's three largest iron ore producers BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Cia Vale do Rio Doce account for a shared 75% of worldwide seaborne iron ore trade. A global and even national segment of trades in raw materials is significantly more comprehensive when you sort among current iron ore projects around the world. This I once again would like to mention about for the value that an application for a product or request must be completed with all necessary information for us to be able to make a decision on to work on a case. It makes no sense to send in an inquiry or a range of supply if we are unable to confirm the registered information with the relevant authorities. The reason that there are those who have not received a response from us is that we simply could not strength information and thus rejects the request. This is the structure that we work with and it helps us a lot about a request made on the basis of this framework for the "World Iron Ore Responsible Procurement Policy and procurement processes with steel mills."
Giuen Invest Management Ltd. (GMOL)
Stron House 100 Pall Mall
SW1Y 5EA London, UK
VAT: 07371355
Roger K. Olsson