lördag 21 december 2013

Reindeer Meat Production

Production and Wholesale of Premium Reindeer Meat in Northern Lapland

Tromsø, Norway 2013-12-21

The question we ask today is whether the capacity of the production facilities for reindeer meat production in northern Lapland harnessed for optimum reindeer meat production and processing. I start with the question, given the fact that reindeer herding in the montane relate to very high requirements on an annual production adjustment in time intervals as well as access to pre-processed meat. Due to factors such as climate adaptation, snow conditions and more so varies the annual reindeer collection period for the winter a lot and it makes a whole production chain facing a big flexibility requirement. Although this variation and this process here does not present a dramatic impact on the final production frequency but it has still an impact. Disruptions in supply and demand can occur during periods and therefore coordination from a trade perspective is essential. An estimate of demand in the local and regional market might be easily prepared for production levels but how is demand from the international and national market been managed for a demand. As we argued in a previous context, so we estimated that there was access to a range of growing market areas for reindeer meat in a geographically contingent perspective. One example that we mentioned about was the sheer number of newly opened luxury restaurants and hotel restaurants in Estonia. As I said, foreign tourism in this part of the world has had a hugely expansive development and this has led to, among other things, that the Irish beef industry has received a major growth by Irish restaurant chains that have established themselves in the luxury districts. During our recent visit to Tallinn, Estonia, so we got to experience a genuine food culture with a very thorough foundation in the Estonian tradition. Just this factor along with the aspect of an international business traveler and a luxury tourist today requires variety and often choose the most special on the menu, so too has the exclusive reindeer meat with details such as fillet, steak and many noble processed meat details a very solid place in the Estonian kitchen. With this as background the authorities responsible for food exports should account of this fact together with the established restaurant industry in franshice development. With the recent developments in refrigeration packaging so now also transport conditions with today's demands have created a great advantage for the development of wholesale activities in reindeer meat industry. But this refrigeration-, /cool packaging regulation also means that less established production facilities with sales in a quick and convenient way can be able to deliver fresh meat to destinations that usually otherwise have been out of the distance in terms of unsustainable. Now there are all prerequisites to quickly and easily send special cooling packages with fresh meat and delivery requirements within a specified time. All this has in recent years become researched to maintain as high quality as possible, according to luxury restaurants 'requirements and food authorities' recommendations. Reindeer meat is considered in many parts of the world today as the best meat and the absolute most luxurious food form. Therein also quality requirements is been set high and specially trained inspectors constantly controls and review approved quality set by national and local food authorities.


Copyright 2014 Roger K. Olsson


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Roger K. Olsson

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Contact: linership@yandex.com

Financing America - Fishery and the Fishing Fleet

Industrial development has over the years from a historical perspective undergone a tremendous development growth and new levels has always been designed for the position that we have today. Much of the contributing national economy rests today on these initiatives and reforms. It is also historically so that industrial development in these dimensions has rarely achieved a higher level or a strong growth without incentives or reforms in various forms. Not least when we look back to the recent development of specific areas within the fishing industry, we can see huge investments in a variety of areas of action before a fishing fleet can be said to be established for more extensive operations at sea or on mainland. This is a typical business area for support activities to that a development will reach a higher level while the difference is growing within the established fleet through further development and expansion within the associative areas of the main industry so that in further processing, own exports, trade, and so on. We have, therefore, from the perspective of a venture capital looked at the need for financing of the fisheries sector and its impact on the international market. We also have a comparison from a national perspective seen that the established fishing fleet usually is registered where it performs the operation, and not in its native country for most of the company's operations and that it is a very common phenomenon. With this as background, we have further analyzed the potential development of direct industrial measurements for coastal fisheries. That is, the multinational fishing boats out on the Atlantic ocean, and in all other oceans for that matter, constitutes the main gross domestic production, and the development that remains are the medium and small-scale fisheries. Here is a space for the establishment of large dimensions of the demand and the need is increasing with a stronger familiar consumption in our society in general. We can also see considerable benefits from a national economic perspective for a holistic approach to a more comprehensive analysis at a later time. It is estimated that an effort and funding support should be reviewed already after one year from the time the initial capital has been issued for a regional or a local producer. After four to five years so that projects should be self-sustaining and profitable. More frequent follow up is important and it is the only way to calculate out a long-term approach in planning for growth. We have to that foundation viewing at the first national efforts to support industries and projects from the European commission and we have identified a number of serious deficiencies in how the layouts are managed to achieve a long-term approach in reality. These EU funds tend to lead into a kind of hysteria for news agreeableness and then stagnate very striking to finally culminate in usually long-lasting personal unfortunes with bankruptcy and personal impoverishment. What is the problem in that kind of general, and structural funds is that there is no requirement for countermeasures for a level of growth and lack of control and monitoring usually end in massive reforms at a level that does not understand itself in the field or a non-existential monitoring if you wish so. There are a number of frightening examples of these grant schemes utilized year after year for installations and the alleged development without a sustainable parameter in the valuation of the financing. It is usually the EU, along with the nation, the county and the local operator as partial funding for the development. In retrospect, we could today review thus and say that established properties for projects under twenty and thirty years for the fifth or even the sixth time granted these contributions of grants, there is no sound economic policy in that and I think it is totally at odds with a sound industry. The new model and what is so awkward received among decision-making bodies in the area is to ensure that each project financed by tax revenue is secured in a growth in the capital before the design of a development commences. Such capital gains is the only key for development, although not capital in the project area has been hit right out. That to secure capital for the project is a outmost keyfactor to the day after four or five years when the project for the first time face a larger and more comprehensive restructuring. In the fishing industry, as in most industries, there are much extremely good and innovative ideas. These are to decide which path to choose to settle them in reality. For you who run a business or planning to start up a business for its rationale in that grant system so I can easily define what is most important, what is purposiveness of project area's, and commercial focus that hit the day you waive the right to decide in favor of an external capital controlled from above. With a business plan and a venture capital funded project you will always be able to maintain control over the direction and pace of development itself provided that you based project in the capital gains and maintain your commercial position on the market. But also the traditional investment such as this proposed development with the funding of small boats, coastal fishing boats, fishing trawlers, shrimp trawlers, round trawlers, deep sea fishing ships and other fishing ships. Moreover, development areas will thereafter reach to seafood processing plants and seafood merchandising equipment with associate areas. Regulating fishing industry has also thus been a hotly debated subject in the last twenty years. We know today that we have a number of highly vulnerable areas for a prosperous fish stocks in our oceans and we still have completely unfished areas around the world. These areas of the global fisheries map are usually areas that are self-effacing because of too much fish because of the immense amount reaches a peak in illnesses and then dies out while the external environment of the sea has a very small and marginal impact. Then it is up to the man's unhealthy relationship with monetary policy for the environment affecting the sea. It is an industry in itself and is entirely built to the research-related funding from agencies to cover up the maintenance of graduate researchers. It happens so very little in the environmental field so it is not worth an note. That is sort of false myth man lives with and surgeons with the hope that research will prove anything fancy. It's the same as with space research. I have seen the same stars every year in the same place without any change and still there is spent terrible amounts of tax money to a bunch of scientists in generation after generation sitting and watch the stars. Finally I want to mention about this study that we carried out and the background to the problem of food is dramatically worse today than it was just over five years ago. This relates to the biofuels industry that gets more profit from cultures than food gets. As we grow not less and cultures do not become less but that we grow today are increasingly to fossil fuels and not food as conventional farming. Those who were first in the world to respond to this scare was Iceland. Their initiatives and action was just right and very possitivt to prevent a bigger disaster than originally feared. The Iceland did was it resumed and renewed domestic fleet from the 1960s. By using this price comparison site in the venture capital and securitiers borrowing, you can easily bring out the best deal for your capital needs. http://mixet.se/brokerfirm.html or http://adir.bravesites.com/

Copyright 2014 Roger K. Olsson